Narrow Path

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. Its only reward is that it's easy.

Before you set upon your path....

Who are we?Weary travelers in search of rest. Outcasts in search of belonging. Ambitious seekers in pursuit of various goals.

Narrow Path is a group of wanderers brought together by happenstance. Those who don't quite fit into the atmosphere of city life and tend to be found in the outside world will likely find themselves in good company.We travel the world and forge our own paths, our personal stories intertwined into one shared journey.

The Narrow Path - Lavender Beds- Ward 4- Plot 40

OOC Information<NP-RP> is a Free Company on the Balmung server (Crystal, NA) with a focus on slice of life RP, casual gameplay, work-life balance, and enjoying the game with friendly individuals.We have also opened up a CWLS for those outside of the Balmung server, as well as those who are already committed to an FC.We are looking for individuals who are interested in traveling outside the city settngs, away from the plethora of club scenes,casinos and cafes (though you are welcome to partake if you choose) and into the beautiful world of Etheirys as well as the lands beyond.

<NP-RP> accepts players of every background and experience level, so long as guidelines are adhered to. It is suggested that members be 18+ due to the possibility of mature language and themes. By accepting an FC invite, you are confirming that you are at least 18 (or have explicitly communicated that you are under 18).

Is <NP-RP> a good fit for you?Along with the expectation of courtesy and civility to your fellow members, please see the following information:

  • Basic roleplay etiquette is expected: no god modding, no meta gaming, adherence to basic lore. *If you need lore help, feel free to ask questions.

  • SFW content only in FC & CWLS chat channels.

  • You are a representative of your FC tag in all interactions, please be mindful of your actions in and outside of the FC atmosphere.

  • Disciplinary actions are based on a 3 strike system (unless the offense is egregious enough to warrant an automatic dismissal).

  • Topics of conversation will not be limited, but keep the discourse civil.

  • Please have a sense of humor and a level of discernment between players and their characters. Nothing is more exhausting than someone who is easily offended.

How to join

** Please be advised that a brief Q&A conversation will be held prior to any FC invites or application approvals.**
(For FC only)

  • Respond to our Community Finder advertisement:

  • Join our Fellowship (listed under "Narrow Path RP - Balmung FC -" )

  • Send a tell in game to Erel Voras

  • Submit an application in game to the FC

  • For those off world, a Cross- World LS has been added. * CWLS members will be subject to the same rules of etiquet as those in the FC.


Erel Voras - FC Leader

Ohka Coy'chai - Trusted Member

Not Pictured:

Luna Mori- Trusted Member

Gallard Alheavn - Trusted Member

Balrik Duunkik - Trusted Member

Serina Vellar - Trusted Member

Laurie Longears - Trusted Member

Micaiah Nevassa - Trusted Member